Monday, October 28, 2013

Rama: Justice will talk for Gjika

A day after the prosecution announced sending of the accused mayor of Vlora Shpetim Gjika that has been charged for abusing and issuing two building permits unlawfully, comes the first pronunciation of the Prime Minister Rama.

Rama Gjika
As Prime Minister of this country, I can only encourage the prosecution and justice do their job until the end and we can expect only justice last words!

Edi Rama
Prime Minister
Gjika is a friend, but also a senior political figure of the Socialist Party, on top of one of the most important cities of Albania. The Prosecution charges are too heavy and the facts alleged by the prosecution are extremely heavy. We all feel bad by their articulation and all want to hope that charges for an outrageous abuse like this do not exist. We will not become a political shield for any accused from prosecution for corruption and abuse of public office, never, "said Rama.

Prime Rama said Socialist parliamentary group that justice should do its job.

"We all feel obliged to 1 million Albanians who elected us to fight corruption at every level and party differences today to seek justice do its work until the end, without any political obstacle. There no doubt that our desire is to see Gjika free of these serious charges and we want to hope that the socialist mayor of Vlora will prove his innocence with credible arguments and evidence, "said Rama.

After this encouragement, that justice meet its mission, Edi Rama said he stood with Mr. Gjika in this situation.

"As a socialist and Rescue Gjika friend, I feel bad for him and in any situation will be humanely with him and his family, even though he has badly wrong, as prosecution claims. But, as chairman of the SP and as Prime Minister of this country, I can only encourage the prosecution and justice do their job until the end and we can only wait and hear justice policies and their last word, "said Rama.

// Albania On Air


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