![Viktima Valbona Carcani](http://www.lajmifundit.al/lajme/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/dr_ambulanc.jpg)
Another crime within the family hit Tirana, recording the third such killing, within a few days in Tirana, the fourth in the country.
Alketa Cani, 36 years old, was murdered by her husband, Ilirijan Cani, in their home, around 18:00 on Monday. Later, the man tried to kill himself, but neighbors carried him to the Military Hospital of Tirana, in a serious condition for life.
Police, after collecting evidences, said that the couple had conflicts, and author of the murder accused his wife for treason. But police said that at the time of the crime, he was under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
Earlier Monday morning, a 44-year-old killed his wife with crowbars, in circumstances still being investigated. The event took place in the field Mamurras when Marjan Leshi executed his wife of 27 years old, Valbona.
Another hit kryeyqytetin crime within the family, recording the third such killing, within a few days in Tirana, the fourth in the country.
Alketa Cani, 36, was murdered by her husband, Ilirijan Cani, in their home, around 18:00 on Monday. Later, the man tried to kill himself, but neighbors carried him to the Military Hospital of Tirana, in a serious condition for life.
Police, collecting evidence before, said the couple had long conflicts, and author of the murder of his wife accused of treason. But police said that at the time of the crime, he was under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
Crime, according to police was made with a Kalashnikov automatic type, and 36-year-old has found immediate death, taking bullets in the head and body. Cani couple had two young children. The main track was jealousy investigation, while police took custody of arrested for the crime at the Military Hospital.
Earlier Monday morning, a 44-year-old killed his wife with crowbars, in circumstances still being investigated. The event took place in the field Mamurras when Marjan Leshi executed his wife of 27 years old, Valbona.
Kurbin Police Station arrested 44-year-old, who admitted to have committed the crime for reasons of jealousy. Monday's events have shaken the public after coming to homicide in the way a mother of two children, last Saturday morning, and a mother of eight children in the combine.
Murder of Alketa Cani is the third murder to a woman within three days after it occurred on Saturday was in Tirana and the fourth since the beginning of the month, after what happened at the Kombinat of the capital city.
All four cases have gone to investigate the Prosecution of Serious Crimes, the new changes to the criminal code, which thought that would prevent crime family. But, although extremely severe penalties for those who commit such crimes, their wave has hit the country again, turning into a nightmare for order situation in the country, given that guns are carried out in two cases, as well as in public. Police still remained far from preventing this serious crime.
//Albania On Air
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