And interview were quickly published in their website, under the heading "Edi Rama, Prime Minister and death." Death? But why death? For a moment in a conversation with French journalists at the end of that conversation, Rama says something that they were rightly impressed. Here's what Rama said literally: "I was not made through policy Rama. Rama I was before. If i stay [in politics], is to do something. I have a problem with death. Comes from the fact that I am an artist. I have a problem with death and history. I want to leave a name. I don't care for the rest. I do politics to combat the idea of death. "
It is an interesting answer, you can't say. A catchy response. Rama is that he has not discussed his clear idea with French journalists. It is about a conversation quite hot, making just a few moments after the polls closed before you start counting the votes, while former taut Rama, exhausted, turned off. But it said that there is one thing that has escaped. Not that he gave impromptu brain like idea. It has been thinking about it.
He said that to me too, I had a rendezvous after meeting with Breaking the "historic" the Lalzi ('s last rendezvous I had with him). I do not remember how the conversation came, but it is not surprising that after Lalzi To speak and the motivations someone to deal with politics. And Rama spoke about the problem he has with history. "I want to leave a mark, a mark that remains even when I am not," he said, more or less. And it seemed that he told that to me in the most naive way possible. Or so it seemed to me, because I'm myself naive? I have no idea. We did not talk about death, however. This problem somewhat with the death i just learned it from the interview with the Frenchs!
Is there anything surprising in this matter? No, no. Each of us has a problem with death. Each of us dragged back into the life of the nightmare of death, the desire of us comes from the gut, to leave a trace that remains eternally. According to me, the most dramatic Berisha this nightmare. You know why I think this? Because it hides the fact that there is a problem with death. In an interview that I got him three days before the 2005 election, one of the questions (were 125 questions, which ask for short answers) was: What do you think about death. And the answer was entrancing Berisha: It's the thing that worries me less. According to me, he lied. And thanks God he lied. Imagine that it would be true that "death is the thing that worries him less than everything in this world." Brrrr!
But let's get back to Rama. According to me, that's a problem at the “problem of Rama with death and with the history”. There is a problem not onl of Rama. I say this, because the way Rama tells it, means that all the inspirations, motivations, choices, inhibitions, decisions, and even the ideas and ideals, are raised by him into his own prolem. That's why Rama's problem it's a problem of all of us. It's of all of us in the sense that we do not know when he can call this problem solved.He could call it solved when he won for first time the elections for the head of municipality in Tirana, but it wasn't so and he tried for 2nd time. He won it for 2nd time too, and could call it solved, after he left some signs and did some things, but no, he tried for 3rd. Than for the 4th time again, until a time that he pretended for the Prime Minister chair. And here we are, he did it, and he would like more and more, wants to leave many other signs.
There is a problem with the problem of death Rama history, as there is a risk that people with such a problem unsolved and insoluble, it may be important to not have some other things which are seen to be a politician care of others, as may be humility, accountability, honesty, morality and public opinion, worry about the public and national interest etc.., etc..
Rama, as well as others that have his problem, have a way out from this trap. Let's hold, and let them have big time, ambition and passion to leave their mark on the history trail, but at the same time they should do their best to persuade theirselves that there are things that are more important in this world, and that - for those politicians - ambition and passion to be met in respect of the rules of the game, especially in respect of the election free and fair, in respect of opponents associates, in respect of the laws of the state, and crucially, in respect to the fact that there are others who have the same problem with death, history, therefore they have the same passion and ambition to do things to trace.
It looks like this is what Rama forgets, when he says what he told to the French reporters. And if he forgets this all the time, if he only sublimates his trouble, may come a time that, his desire to do some things and to leave signs in the history can be judged, from himself, more genuine, more meaningful and more important than the "stupid" rules of a democratic game, than the national and public "abstract" interess than the meaninless needs of others that aren't agreeing with him to compete etc., etc..
And this is the circumstance, when his anxiety can be trouble of the Whole community. Far from it!
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